Monday, April 18, 2011

Today's Thoughts. . .

Today I received my official acceptance letter to Utah State. There has been a lot of prayer and a lot of trust in the lord that has gone into this decision. I know that there has been a lot of criticism whether it has been stated out loud or not but it has been hard to put that judgement aside and go with what I feel is right even though I know not everyone has agreed with my decision. There has been a lot of support too, don't get me wrong, but I have learned that you can never make everyone happy. I know that this decision is right and that I needed to take this leap of faith and listen to my heart. I know that with the help of the lord, I can get through this new journey. There have been a lot of other voices and a lot of opinions about my decisions in life, which are important to me but above all I have learned you have to to listen to your heart and listen to the spirit in everything. I know this is the right thing for me in my life and I know that the lord is on my side.


  1. Sometimes you just have to do something for yourself. I'm proud of you :) Although I'll definitely miss your smiling face!

  2. I appreciate your love and support Heather and for all of the love and comfort you have offered me. I am going to miss you like crazy but you will forever have a place in my heart.
