Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thank You... for being in our world

"There are people who one appreciates immediately and forever. Even to know they are alive in the world is quite enough."
~Nancy Spain

This is a picture from the day I got my job at the Southern Utah University Financial Aid and Scholarships office. I was so excited and I couldn't wait. Little did I know I was going to be working with and meeting some of the most amazing people I have ever or will ever meet. I have been so blessed to have the co-workers and bosses I have had to work with this past year. I am going to miss them all so much as I transfer up to Utah State this next semester. I wish I had a picture of all these beautiful people but I have yet to get one with all of them. I am determined however, and I WILL get one with all of them before I leave. I will post it as soon as I do. I would just like to give a little shout out to those who have truly helped me with work and just getting through life this past year (especially last 6 months).
First, Heather. Heather was the one who hired me and the first lovely person I was able to meet. Heather was an amazing supervisor and helped me first get settled and trained. She has been not only an outstanding boss to me but a good friend. Heather and I have talked about everything from heart break to running and different interests. Heather will be a friend of mine forever.
Jessica was next. Jessica is another student worker with me and she took me under her wing when I first got hired. We have had some fun times at that desk planning her wedding and having chats. She has so willing to help answer any questions and help me get the hang of things. Thanks Jessica for all you have done. Love ya girl!
Then there was Graeson. Graeson is one of the most sincere people I know. He is down to earth and super easy to talk to. He has a way with helping people in such a positive way and is super willing to help anyone. Graeson and I have become good friends outside of work as well. He has become one of my closest friends this semester and appreciate all he has done for me. Everything from helping answer my questions at work to simply becoming one of my best friends. You're amazing Graeson. Thanks for all you do!
Then there was my girl Sydney. Syd and I took a little longer to get close but as soon as we did, we hit it off! Syd and I have become really close through taking breaks together at work, to hitting the dance floor on the weekends together. I have had some of the most in depth conversations with Syd and am grateful for the friendship I have with her. Thanks for everything Syd!
Sir Randy to the rescue. Oh what would I do without Randy. Randy has been so great to help answer all my questions and the questions of the students. I appreciate all you've done to help me figure out everything at work and for still continuing to answer my questions when I don't know the answers and need help.
My lovely boss Brandi! Brandi has been an amazing boss. She has been so patient to work with me and my crazy schedule. I have probably switched my schedule around 758439827457 times this semester and she has just worked with me. Also, she has been super patient with me and my tardiness to work. Thanks so much for your patience with me Brandi, I appreciate it. Brandi has been so great to continue to answer my questions and help me with anything I need. Also, Brandi and I like to share newest blogs with each other, as well as music. I have enjoyed having Brandi as a boss and I feel like I have grown so close to her as well. You too will be a friend of mine forever. Thanks for everything.
Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. I have mentioned Jamie in previous posts. Jamie has been like an older sister to me since day one. Jamie has been there for me every step of the way in all my huge decisions these past several months. There is just something about Jamie, she can get me so say anything even if I don't want to. I appreciate all the talks we've had and for all the help she has offered to me and helping me get my future plans figured out. Thank you for your love and support in everything Jamie. I truly feel like you have been like my older sister and that has been so nice to have when I'm so far away from my family. You're the best!
Malinda. You are awesome! I can always count on Malinda to make me laugh. Whether it's over a funny IM she sends me, or some funny comment she says under her breath, she's hilarious. Thanks for all your help as well Malinda, you have been awesome!
Last, but certainly not least my dear Alene. Alene has been like an adoptive mother to me this past year and I hope for the rest of my life. She is constantly looking out for me and really for everyone. She is one of those people that honestly cares to help others as much as she can. She is willing to do anything and everything in her power and is just amazing. Thank you so much Alene for keeping an eye out for me and making sure that I'm keeping my head on straight. I am going to miss you so much and miss your smiling face. Thanks for all you do.
I could seriously go on and on about the amazing people I work with. I know that my roommates are probably honestly sick of hearing about how amazing they are but I can't help but talk about these amazing people constantly. Thank you for everything you all do for me. I'm going to miss you all. It has been an amazing year and I will cherish our friendships forever. You're all amazing! Thanks for everything!
Today- I am grateful for the people I work with in my life and I just know that they are all going to be somewhere in the world somewhere doing something good always. I'm so blessed to have you all in my life.

With a grateful heart,
Merilee :)

1 comment:

  1. You are great Merilee! We are lucky to have had you in our office :) when you leave you need to promise to come back and visit often!!!
