As I have been thinking lately what I wanted to do to make my blog more exciting and easier to be motivated to write on it more I came across this book my Grandmother gave me for my 20 birthday a couple of weeks ago. The book is called
Gratitude. It has a bunch of different quotes by different authors and people about being grateful and the importance of gratitude. In the book, the left page says Thank you... (then something) and the right side has a quote about what ever that something is for that specific page. My mother taught me from a young age, that writing Thank You notes and saying thank you is a very important thing. If you know me, I am BIG on Thank You notes and I sometimes write Thank You notes for things that people wouldn't even think you could write thank you notes for without it being awkward but I say, why not show how grateful we are to each other. Now I'm not boasting at all, gratitude is actually something I want to work more on this year, so I have decided that I am going to share this book that my cute grandma gave me and perhaps share some photos and experiences with each quote. I am going to try and do this daily, but as we all know life is crazy and if you know me, I'm not one to stay on the computer very long, (my family would disagree with that comment, but it is true when I'm constantly surrounded by the people I'm usually on the computer with when I am with my family.) Anyway, I am going to do this and I hope that it can help me step back and be more grateful for what I have, and make me want to be better. I hope I can be better about blogging often as well.
Happy Blogging!
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