Friday, April 15, 2011

Thank You . . . for your inspiration

"I am grateful for whatever helps my spirit grow."
~Florida Calloway

Today as I reflect on who to thank this particular quote reminded me of my young women leaders growing up. As my life as a teenager has come to a close, I often think of these women who helped me battle life as a teenager. They have all helped me learn so much and I still reflect on the lessons and counsel they gave me just a few years ago. It's weird to think that I've been an old Relief Society lady for almost three years now. I am grateful for all the fun memories I will forever hold dear and for all the amazing examples I had growing up in the Woodland Ward Young Women. I have had far too many Young Women leaders to even begin to try and start naming but you all know who you are. Thank you for your incredible examples to me and for always loving me and looking out for me. I am grateful that I can still see them all when I go home to visit and that we are still close. Thank you for always checking up on me and making sure I'm doing alright.
I am especially lucky to have one of my Young Women Presidents as my best friends mom and as my adoptive mom. Paula you are amazing and I look up to you so much. You are strong and beautiful and I am so blessed to have you as such a big part of my life. Thank you for always welcoming me into your home and for making me feel part of the family almost. You home has been one of the places I feel the most safe and comfortable throughout the years and I can't thank you enough for that.
As I was looking back at my pictures I couldn't find any pictures of me with my leaders which makes me so sad but you all know who you are. I know that I wouldn't be the person I am today without your examples, counsel and inspiration. I learned in Young Women that church callings really are inspired. I saw that with the women that were called to work with me and the girls I was in Young Women with and I have seen it in my Singles Wards I've been in and the callings I have had. This summer I am going to be working up at Oakcrest Girls Camp and I hope that I can make girls camp as fun and spiritual as all of my leaders did for me. I'm looking forward to being able to reflect on my Girls Camp experiences and to be close to home where all those amazing, inspired women still are. Some have come and gone, but they are mostly still all up in Woodland. I love you all and I'm grateful for you all in my life. Thanks for everything.

Keep on Keepin' on,

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